Authorised /unauthorised absence today? Yes No
Weekly report relevant info
Education / training relevant info
Behaviour management relevant info
Staff on duty
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The minimum contract period for membership is 12 months. If at the end of the 12 months members do not wish to renew their contract one month’s notice period is required.
All membership packages are also subject to a 12-month rolling contract. If a company wishes to end the contract they will be required to pay at least 50% of the remaining monthly fees that add up to the remaining 12 months.​
Members may downgrade or upgrade their membership package anytime, they will be expected to pay the current membership dues by the next monthly billing. ​
SCA reserves the right to terminate a contract within the 12 month contract period in the event of a necessary end of the membership contract.
Weekly report relevant info
Education / training relevant info
Behaviour management relevant info
Staff on duty
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The minimum contract period for membership is 12 months. If at the end of the 12 months members do not wish to renew their contract one month’s notice period is required.
All membership packages are also subject to a 12-month rolling contract. If a company wishes to end the contract they will be required to pay at least 50% of the remaining monthly fees that add up to the remaining 12 months.​
Members may downgrade or upgrade their membership package anytime, they will be expected to pay the current membership dues by the next monthly billing. ​
SCA reserves the right to terminate a contract within the 12 month contract period in the event of a necessary end of the membership contract.
Developer instructions:
1. Updated daily log user guide: Please add the content i put together, when the user hovers over the button the content should show.
2. Daily log function buttons - To reduce the amount of clutter on the daily log interface, i've made 2 buttons show a dropdown of options instead of displaying the options individually. 1. daily log actions: on click or hover these are the command options to choose from the dropdown - Edit this section / email this section / edit entire log / email entire log / download entire log. 2. Create other daily reports - Create incident report / create accident report / create appointment / create missing or absent log /
Personal skills questionnaire
Has been added to the​ end part of the daily log, the info capture should filter to the weekly progression creator so that the the system can calculate the scoring for selfcare/personal hygiene, cooking/foodshopping, budgeting,
User guide to updated daily log
1. Filtering relevant log entries.
The options to click relevant info for weekly report and relevant info for education / training should only be applied to daily log entries that relate to the 2 individual subject matters. The user is to click the options in daily log entries that is seen as necessary inclusions to the weekly progression or the education /training progression of a young person. The system will filter the relevant information to the weekly / monthly progression report creator automatically.
The personal skills progression questionnaire
Completing the daily personal skills questionnaire from 7pm each day will enable the weekly progression report to have an accurate computed scoring for self care/personal hygiene, cooking/food shopping, budgeting, and education/training attendance. The other personal skills development scoring is generated on the weekly progression report.
Developer instructions
Personal skills progression questionnaire
The questionnaire should only trigger 7pm each day. If the young person is away from the accommodation unauthorised or authorised, then staff must click yes or no at the top of the daily log. If No is clicked, then, the questionnaire should not appear, if they are present at the accommodation for the day, then by 7pm, on accessing the daily log, the set of questionnaires tiles should appear one by one for staff to complete. In the settings area, managers can choose to deactivate the questionnaire, but by default it should be left active. It just means that they would have to complete the behaviour management report manually with no info filtered to the template from the daily log.
The questionnaire should be editable within 24 hours.
Personal skills questionnaire
Did the young person have a shower or bath today? Yes No
Was the young persons room clean and tidy today Yes No
Self care / personal hygiene
Did the young person cook at least one meal from scratch today Yes No
Has the young person done any food shopping today? Yes No
Cooking / food shopping
Did the young person show any indication of poor money management today Yes No
Did the young person demonstrate any good budgeting decisions today ? Yes No
Guide: indications of poor budgeting would be requests for loans or financial assistance to cover the cost of personal expenses that should have been better planned for. Also poor budgeting may be evident in a young person purchasing items or subscribing to services they can barely afford. ​​​​​
Did the young person have an emotional outburst today?
Did the young person have any low moods that interfered with their general routines today ?
Did the young person have one or more emotional confrontations with staff or other residents today? 
On a scale of 1 -10 how happy or cheerful has the young person been today ?
Emotional wellbeing
If the young person attends school or a training provision
Was the young person absent from school without a valid reason today? Yes No
Education / training attendance