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Task allocation manager
Choose date
Staff guide:
You may edit the list of default common weekly, monthly or quarterly tasks. Add yours by typing the tasks. In the ROTA settings you may click and add the task allocation for the week which send a message to that member of staff's email address. You may click the 'repeat each week ' function.
Young person reports manager
Access control centre
General tasks
Add your own task
Complete monthly supervision session

Complete training session/s
Complete annual performance appraisal
Attend young person's appointment

Attend professionals meeting
Attend LAC review
Complete YP 's monthly satisfaction survey
Complete policy proficiency assessment
Accommodation tasks
Add your own task
Complete monthly accommodation
quality assurance

Complete weekly accommodation quality assurance (Optional)

Monthly residents meeting
Complete PAT testing
Complete annual health & safety assessment
Complete or renew gas safety certificate
Complete or renew electricity safety certificate
Complete legionella assessment /certificate

Complete weekly fire safety test log
Complete monthly residential meeting
Chirag, since you are having issues with creating and adding the mini screenshot i described. instead, use this box, keep it this size exactly and fix in the report pages i mentioned. Action - when user hovers over the button, it should show the whole CSPS table,
when they click it, it goes to the page showing the CPPS score results from the last saved and completed weekly report scores that should filter to the table as you have done before. As it is a new important function, i want it to show as flashing , to get the staff users attention when the y go on Profile page, support plan and weekly /monthly reports
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