ROTA setting
Staff manager
Accommodation manager
Task manager
Staff guide:
To use this system effectively, you should start with setting up the accommodation profile and then the staff profile. The staff profile is where you add the individual hourly rates agreed with that member of staff. You would need to work out what a manager's hourly rate works out to be if you are operating a wage structure as an annual rate of pay, e.g £38,000 per annum.
Task allocation lists - This is a useful tool to list specific tasks that are usually set to complete each week or month or quarter. By default we have added common tasks which you can allocate to a particular member of staff or to an accommodation in general within the ROTA. It serves as a reminder, we pan to add the full command centre function where overdue completed tasks can be identified and alerts sent to allocated staff to complete the task. The command centre will identify when a task is in progress or when it has been completed. This will enable the ROTA system to also serve as a control centre for monitoring regular tasks.
A young person is added to the ROTA system to enable task allocated to staff to be connected to the young person's needs or report management needs.