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Safeguarding policy


In order to deliver high quality service, monthly audits are carried out by the Manager and Operations team of the service. These audits include:

  • Client Files

  • Medication

  • Complaints

  • Client Meetings

  • Team Meetings

  • Staff supervision

  • The Physical Environment

  • Finance 

Where possible, we involve clients in the decision making process that affects the service we provide them. Each supported living property has its own monthly clients meeting where all the clients have an opportunity to make staff aware of their feelings, view points and ideas. Clients are supported to use external advocacy services.

Team meetings for the staff team take place on a monthly basis, as do individual supervision sessions for each team member, giving staff the opportunity to voice their opinions and feedback to the Manager about the service being offered. Absolute Carers conducts annual appraisals for all staff and 6 monthly surveys of clients.

All clients and those involved in their support are made aware of the service's complaints policy and are encouraged to offer feedback through individual reviews and family/significant other forums.

All staff undertake regular training which includes a minimum of:

  • Safeguarding Young Adults

  • Fire Awareness

  • Health & Safety

  • Food Hygiene Awareness


  • Infection Control

  • Behaviour Management

  • Working alone

  • First Aid

  • Ethnicity & Diversity

  • Medication Awareness

External Inspections by Purchasers of the Service (Local Authorities)

The service is subject to inspection and review by purchasers of the service including individuals and Local Authorities. Staff and clients are to co-operate when such visits take place and appropriate information made available.

Clients may have access to their own files at any time.

Who are our clients?

The Supported Living Service is designed for young adults. 

The age range of people who can access our service is 16 to 21 years.

Our service is available to people from all over the UK.

The Referral Process

The referral process begins with an enquiry, by telephone, email or letter.

The service will then ask for a referral form to be completed giving brief information about the potential client and their support needs. This form can be completed by a professional from the multi-disciplinary team and/or placement team.

A review of this information is then undertaken to assess whether the service can potentially meet the needs of the individual being referred. If the service determines that they can meet the needs of the referred person, a full assessment will then be arranged with the potential clients and their care/support team.

The Assessment Process

At the assessment, the following aspects of the service will be discussed with the potential client:

  • Current support needs

  • Identified areas of risk

  • What things are important to them as an individual

  • What they are seeking from the service

  • Proposed plan of support to be offered by the service

The Admission Process

  • If the outcome of the assessment is that the service can meet the needs of the potential client, they will then be invited to visit the appropriate property. This will give them the opportunity to look around, meet other clients of the property and ask questions or seek clarification about anything they are unsure of.

  • If the potential client likes the service and there is an appropriate vacancy for them and funding for their placement has been approved, a transition plan is then agreed with the individual and others involved in their care/support. This can include both day and overnight visits to help the client settle in to their new environment. If there are no concerns from the client or the service during this period, an admission date to the service is then agreed.

Emergency Admission


In the case of emergency admission requests, an initial assessment will be completed within 2 working days of the referral. If the service can offer a suitable support placement and funding is confirmed, The Service will inform the new client of all key aspects, procedures and routines of the property within two days of the admission. Prior to admission, a review plan will be agreed with the potential client and their care/support team and a contingency plan confirmed as to what actions will be taken if the placement becomes unsustainable. The new client will be formally reviewed in the sixth week of placement and a decision made on whether the support can be continued.


The Supported Living Service recognises that every prospective client should have the opportunity to choose a home which suits their needs. To facilitate that choice we do the following:

  • Provide detailed information on the service by publishing a Client/Service User Guide.

  • Give each client a Client Agreement specifying the terms of the service and accommodation.

  • Ensure that every prospective client has their needs thoroughly assessed before a decision on admission is taken.

  • Demonstrate to every person about to be offered the service that we are confident that we can meet their needs as assessed.

  • Offer introductory visits to prospective clients and avoid unplanned admissions except in cases of emergency.

There are a number of properties, which are intended to provide environments where clients are able to experience supported living in the community.

Range of Support

The Supported Living Service aims to help clients develop their skills, on an individual basis, that they may progress to greater independence, and further integrate into the local community.

The ways in which we support clients may include providing advice, supervising and facilitating with:

  • Correspondence related to benefits and their accommodation

  • Budgeting, paying bills and saving

  • Meal planning, shopping and cooking

  • Domestic upkeep of their living space

  • Maintaining the security and safety of the property

  • Opportunities for employment and voluntary work

  • Opportunities for education and leisure

  • Registering with a GP and dentist of their choice, and maintaining links with appropriate healthcare services

  • Taking any prescribed medication

  • Responding to their changing support needs in liaison with other agencies involved in their support.

  • Maintain/developing community links and relationships

  • Where appropriate foster links with family members

  • Care and support

  • Transport to educational services where needed

  • Transport to visit families

  • Accessing Laundry facilities

  • Participating and accessing Recreation facilities

  • Unit meetings

  • Computer and Internet access to support learning

  • Use of telephone – in private or with staff available for support


This Supported Living Service is not normally equipped to cope with areas such as severe mental health problems, severe challenging behaviour and nursing care and personal hygiene care.

Core Values


The Supported Living Service supports clients in having the opportunity to select from a range of options in all aspects of their living in the following ways:

  • Enabling clients to manage their own time and not be dictated to by set communal timetable and routines.

  • Respecting and treating all clients as individuals.

  • Retaining and treating all clients as individuals.

  • Retaining maximum flexibility in the routines of daily life at the properties.

  • Clients are encouraged to personalise their bedrooms.

Civil Rights

The Supported Living Service acknowledges tha

Complete the staff proficiency test
Staff who have completed  their proficiency test in the safeguarding policy
Area Manager's signature
Safeguarding managers signature
Date of completion
David Guest / Support worker / score 78%
Tosin Adepoju / Support worker / score 88%
Tosin Adepoju / Support worker / score 88%
Errol James/ Senior support worker / score 88%
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